From 0b4745205738c912f0c78008d8ae8c9a838a6a00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pbarroca <>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 18:04:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] rel #13499 : added link and action to download loans as
 unimarc file

 .../opac/controllers/AbonneController.php     |  30 +++-
 .../opac/views/scripts/abonne/prets.phtml     |  85 +++++-----
 .../ZendAfi/View/Helper/Abonne/LoanExport.php |  35 ++++
 .../controllers/AbonneControllerPretsTest.php | 156 +++++++++++++-----
 4 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 library/ZendAfi/View/Helper/Abonne/LoanExport.php

diff --git a/application/modules/opac/controllers/AbonneController.php b/application/modules/opac/controllers/AbonneController.php
index 57fc24cd93c..2e40a64aa1b 100644
--- a/application/modules/opac/controllers/AbonneController.php
+++ b/application/modules/opac/controllers/AbonneController.php
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ class AbonneController extends ZendAfi_Controller_Action {
 	public function init()	{
-		if ("authenticate" == $this->getRequest()->getActionName())
+		if ('authenticate' == $this->getRequest()->getActionName())
 		$this->_user = Class_Users::getLoader()->getIdentity();
 		$this->view->getHelper('PageContext')->setContextHelper('Abonne_Resume', [$this->_user]);
@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ class AbonneController extends ZendAfi_Controller_Action {
-	public function suggestionAchatOkAction() {	}
+	public function suggestionAchatOkAction() {}
 	public function webkioskReservationAction() {
@@ -916,8 +916,6 @@ class AbonneController extends ZendAfi_Controller_Action {
 	public function getPaniersJsonAction() {
@@ -926,10 +924,30 @@ class AbonneController extends ZendAfi_Controller_Action {
 		if ($this->_user->canAccessBackend())
 			$data[] = (new Class_Catalogue())->getDomainesJson(['removeCheckbox' => true]);
 		$JSON = json_encode($data);
 		$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
+	public function loanExportAction() {
+		$this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender();
+		$datas = [];
+		foreach($this->_user->getEmprunts() as $emprunt) {
+			if (!$exemplaire = $emprunt->getExemplaireOPAC())
+				continue;
+			$datas[] = $exemplaire->toUnimarcIso2709();
+		}
+		$response = $this->_response;
+		$response->clearAllHeaders();
+		$filename = 'prets_' . $this->_user->getId() . '-' . uniqid() . '.txt';
+		$response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream; name="' . $filename . '"', true);
+		$response->setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"', true);
+		$response->setBody(implode('', $datas));
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/modules/opac/views/scripts/abonne/prets.phtml b/application/modules/opac/views/scripts/abonne/prets.phtml
index 8a8f689f6bd..060b43e0d27 100644
--- a/application/modules/opac/views/scripts/abonne/prets.phtml
+++ b/application/modules/opac/views/scripts/abonne/prets.phtml
@@ -1,49 +1,60 @@
-<?php $this->openBoite("Prêts en cours");
-echo '<div class="abonneTitre">'.$this->fiche["nom_aff"].'</div>';
-if($this->fiche["message"]) echo '<p class="error">'.$this->fiche["message"].'</p>';
-if($this->fiche["erreur"]) echo '<p class="error">' . $this->fiche["erreur"] . '</p>';
+<?php $this->openBoite('Prêts en cours');?>
+<div class="abonneTitre"><?php echo $this->fiche['nom_aff'];?></div>
+// messages
+foreach (['message', 'error'] as $type)
+	if (isset($this->fiche[$type]) && $this->fiche[$type]) 
+		echo '<p class="error">' . $this->fiche[$type] . '</p>';
+<?php if (isset($this->fiche['fiche'])
+					&& !empty($this->fiche['fiche']->getEmprunts())) {
+	echo $this->abonne_LoanExport();
 <table width="100%" class="tablesorter">
-		<th style="text-align:left; white-space:nowrap"><?php echo $this->_('n°') ?></th>
-		<th style="text-align:left"><?php echo $this->_('Titre') ?></th>
-		<th style="text-align:left"><?php echo $this->_('Auteur') ?></th>
-		<th style="text-align:left"><?php echo $this->_('Bibliothèque') ?></th>
-		<th style="text-align:center"><?php echo $this->_('Retour prévu') ?></th>
-  	<th style="text-align:center"><?php echo $this->_('Informations') ?></th>
+		<th style="text-align:left; white-space:nowrap"><?php echo $this->_('n°'); ?></th>
+		<th style="text-align:left"><?php echo $this->_('Titre'); ?></th>
+		<th style="text-align:left"><?php echo $this->_('Auteur'); ?></th>
+		<th style="text-align:left"><?php echo $this->_('Bibliothèque'); ?></th>
+		<th style="text-align:center"><?php echo $this->_('Retour prévu'); ?></th>
+  	<th style="text-align:center"><?php echo $this->_('Informations'); ?></th>
-	<?php
-    $num=1;
-    if(isset($this->fiche["fiche"])) {
-				foreach($this->fiche["fiche"]->getEmprunts() as $emprunt) {
-					$class_retard = $emprunt->enRetard() ? 'class="pret_en_retard"' : '';
-					echo '<tr '.$class_retard.'>';
-					  echo '<td width="15px" align="center"><b>'.$num++.'</b></td>';
-					  echo '<td>'.$this->tagAnchor($this->url(array('controller' => 'recherche', 
-																													'action' => 'viewnotice', 
-																													'id' => $emprunt->getNoticeOPACId(),
-                                                          'retour_abonne' => 'prets')), 
-																				 $emprunt->getTitre()).'</td>';
-						echo '<td>'.$emprunt->getAuteur().'</td>';
-						echo '<td>'.$emprunt->getBibliotheque().'</td>';
-						echo '<td class="date_retour">'.$emprunt->getDateRetour().' ';
-							if ($emprunt->isRenewable())
-								echo $this->tagAnchor($this->url(array('action' => 'prolongerPret',
-																											 'id_pret' => $emprunt->getId())),
-																			$this->_('Prolonger'));
-						echo '</td>';
-						echo '<td>'.$emprunt->getType().'</td>';
-					echo '</tr>';
-			}
-		}
-	?>
+		<?php
+    $num = 1;
+    if (isset($this->fiche['fiche'])) {
+				foreach ($this->fiche["fiche"]->getEmprunts() as $emprunt) {
+					$class_retard = $emprunt->enRetard() ? 'class="pret_en_retard"' : '';?>
+		<tr <?php echo $class_retard;?>>
+			<td width="15px" align="center"><b><?php echo $num++;?></b></td>
+			<td>
+				<?php 
+				echo $this->tagAnchor(
+					$this->url(['controller' => 'recherche', 
+											'action' => 'viewnotice', 
+											'id' => $emprunt->getNoticeOPACId(),
+                      'retour_abonne' => 'prets']), 
+					$emprunt->getTitre());
+				?></td>
+			<td><?php echo $emprunt->getAuteur();?></td>
+			<td><?php echo $emprunt->getBibliotheque();?></td>
+			<td class="date_retour">
+				<?php echo $emprunt->getDateRetour() . ' ';?>
+				<?php 
+				if ($emprunt->isRenewable())
+					echo $this->tagAnchor($this->url(['action' => 'prolongerPret',
+																						'id_pret' => $emprunt->getId()]),
+																$this->_('Prolonger'));?>
+			</td>
+			<td><?php echo $emprunt->getType();?></td>
+		</tr>
+		<?php }
+		} ?>
diff --git a/library/ZendAfi/View/Helper/Abonne/LoanExport.php b/library/ZendAfi/View/Helper/Abonne/LoanExport.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2376397fa4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/ZendAfi/View/Helper/Abonne/LoanExport.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Agence Française Informatique (AFI). All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * AFI-OPAC 2.0 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the AGPL as it
+ * is applied to this software (see README file).
+ *
+ * AFI-OPAC 2.0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * along with AFI-OPAC 2.0; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA 
+ */
+class ZendAfi_View_Helper_Abonne_LoanExport extends ZendAfi_View_Helper_Abonne_Abstract {
+	public function abonne_LoanExport() {
+		if (!$user = Class_Users::getIdentity())
+			return '';
+		return $this->view->tagAnchor($this->view->url(['controller' => 'abonne',
+																										'action' => 'loan-export'], 
+																									 null, true), 
+																	$this->view->_('Export unimarc'),
+																	['class' => 'loan-export']);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/application/modules/opac/controllers/AbonneControllerPretsTest.php b/tests/application/modules/opac/controllers/AbonneControllerPretsTest.php
index 655b08c6bf3..b643d54380f 100644
--- a/tests/application/modules/opac/controllers/AbonneControllerPretsTest.php
+++ b/tests/application/modules/opac/controllers/AbonneControllerPretsTest.php
@@ -56,11 +56,9 @@ abstract class AbstractAbonneControllerPretsTestCase extends AbstractControllerT
-class AbonneControllerPretsListTwoPretsTest extends AbstractAbonneControllerPretsTestCase {
+class AbonneControllerPretsListTwoPretsTestCase extends AbstractAbonneControllerPretsTestCase {
 	public function setUp() {
 		$potter = new Class_WebService_SIGB_Emprunt('12', new Class_WebService_SIGB_Exemplaire(123));
 		$potter->parseExtraAttributes(['Dateretourprevue' => '29/10/2022',
@@ -70,41 +68,91 @@ class AbonneControllerPretsListTwoPretsTest extends AbstractAbonneControllerPret
 																	 'N° de notice' => '1234',
 																	 'Type' => 'P1']);
+		$this->fixture('Class_Exemplaire',
+									 ['id' => 967, 
+										'id_origine' => 1234,
+										'zone995' => serialize([['clef' => 'a', 'valeur' => 'PotterItem']]),
+										'notice' => $this->fixture('Class_Notice', 
+																							 ['id' => 889,
+																								'titre_principal' => 'Potter',
+																								'unimarc' => '00577nam0 2200181   450 001001500000010001800015100004100033101000800074200010700082210003000189215001100219461002000230606002900250676000800279700004500287801005600332940000700388frOr1314913787  a9781408812792  a20140320                  0103        aEng1 aHarry Potter and the deathly hallowsdHarry Potter et les reliques de la mortfJoanne Kathleen Rowling  aLondrescBloomsburyd2010  a831 p. 1tHarry Potterv7  aAnglais (langue)2Rameau  a420 1aRowlingbJoanne Kathleenf1965-....4070  aFRbBibliothèque de l\'agglomération de Saint-Omer  apm'])]);
 		$alice = new Class_WebService_SIGB_Emprunt('13', new Class_WebService_SIGB_Exemplaire(456));
-		$alice->parseExtraAttributes(array(
-																			 'Dateretourprevue' => '21/10/2010',
-																			 'Section' => 'Espace jeunesse',
-																			 'Auteur' => 'Lewis Caroll',
-																			 'Bibliotheque' => 'Almont',
-																			 'N° de notice' => '5678'));
-		$exemplaire_alice = Class_Exemplaire::newInstanceWithId(918, ['id_origine' => 5678,
-																																	'notice' => Class_Notice::newInstanceWithId(827,
-																																																							['titre_principal' => 'Alice'])]);
-		Storm_Test_ObjectWrapper::onLoaderOfModel('Class_Exemplaire')
-			->whenCalled('findFirstBy')
-			->with(['id_origine' => 5678])
-			->answers($exemplaire_alice);
+		$alice->parseExtraAttributes(['Dateretourprevue' => '21/10/2010',
+																	'Section' => 'Espace jeunesse',
+																	'Auteur' => 'Lewis Caroll',
+																	'Bibliotheque' => 'Almont',
+																	'N° de notice' => '5678']);
+		$this->fixture('Class_Exemplaire',
+									 ['id' => 918, 
+										'id_origine' => 5678,
+										'zone995' => serialize([['clef' => 'a', 'valeur' => 'AliceItem']]),
+										'notice' => $this->fixture('Class_Notice', 
+																							 ['id' => 827,
+																								'titre_principal' => 'Alice',
+																								'unimarc' => '01175cam0 22002771  450 001001500000010003700015100004100052101000800093102000700101105001800108106000600126200009300132210002400225211001300249215006400262300002400326307002900350330027300379345001800652461005600670700001800726701003000744801003300774856008300807940000700890frOr0354235228  a978-2-35592-635-8bbr.d7,65 EUR  a20140225d2014    |  |0fre|0103||||ba  afre  aFR  a        0||y|  ar1 aAlice au royaume de TrèfleeCheshire cat Waltzh5fQuinRosegdessin Mamenosuke Fujimaru  aPariscKi-oond2014 1a20140227  a1 vol. (164 p.)cillustrations en noir et blancd18 x 13 cm  aTraduit du japonais  aSens de lecture japonais  aPerdue dans la forêt aux portes, Alice tombe nez à nez avec Ace. Devenue malgré elle la confidente du chevalier, elle ne sait comment repousser ses avances. Lorsque le chat du Cheshire, qui a assisté à la scène, intervient, la rencontre tourne à l\'affrontement.  b9782355926358 1tAlice au royaume de Trèfle : Cheshire cat Waltzv5 1aQuinRose4070 1aFujimarubMamenosuke4440  aFRbElectrec20140225gAFNOR  u,0-1913692&Size=Original  aLR'])]);
 		$emprunteur = new Class_WebService_SIGB_Emprunteur('1234', 'Florence');
-		$emprunteur->empruntsAddAll(array($potter, $alice));
+		$emprunteur->empruntsAddAll([$potter, $alice]);
+		$this->florence
+			->setFicheSigb(['type_comm' => 2, //OPSYS
+											'fiche' => $emprunteur,
+											'message' => '',
+											'erreur' => '',
+											'nom_aff' => 'FloFlo'])
+			->setPseudo('FloFlo');
+	}
+class AbonneControllerPretsExportTwoPretsTest extends AbonneControllerPretsListTwoPretsTestCase {
+	public function setUp() {
+		parent::setUp();
+		$this->dispatch('/opac/abonne/loan-export');
+	}
+	/** @test */
+	public function controllerAndActionShouldBeAbonnePrets() {
+		$this->assertController('abonne');
+		$this->assertAction('loan-export');
+	}
+	/** @test */
+	public function responseBodyShouldBeAttachment() {
+		$this->assertHeaderContains('Content-Disposition', 'attachment');
+	}
+	/** @test */
+	public function responseFileNameShouldContainsPrets() {
+		$this->assertHeaderContains('Content-Disposition', 'filename="prets_');
+		$this->assertHeaderContains('Content-Type', 'name="prets_');
+	}
+	/** @test */
+	public function bodyShouldContainsUnimarcs() {
+		$this->assertSame('01200nam0 22002891  450 001001400000010003700014100004100051101000800092102000700100105001800107106000600125200009300131210002400224211001300248215006400261300002400325307002900349330027300378345001800651461005600669700001800725701003000743801003300773856008300806940000700889995001400896frOr0354235228  a978-2-35592-635-8bbr.d7,65 EUR  a20140225d2014    |  |0fre|0103||||ba  afre  aFR  a        0||y|  ar1 aAlice au royaume de TrÁefleeCheshire cat Waltzh5fQuinRosegdessin Mamenosuke Fujimaru  aPariscKi-oond2014 1a20140227  a1 vol. (164 p.)cillustrations en noir et blancd18 x 13 cm  aTraduit du japonais  aSens de lecture japonais  aPerdue dans la forÃet aux portes, Alice tombe nez Áa nez avec Ace. Devenue malgrÂe elle la confidente du chevalier, elle ne sait comment repousser ses avances. Lorsque le chat du Cheshire, qui a assistÂe Áa la scÁene, intervient, la rencontre tourne Áa l\'affrontement.  b9782355926358 1tAlice au royaume de TrÁefle : Cheshire cat Waltzv5 1aQuinRose4070 1aFujimarubMamenosuke4440  aFRbElectrec20140225gAFNOR  u,0-1913692&Size=Original  aLR 1aAliceItem00603nam0 22001931  450 001001400000010001800014100004100032101000800073200010700081210003000188215001100218461002000229606002900249676000800278700004500286801005600331940000700387995001500394frOr1314913787  a9781408812792  a20140320                  0103        aEng1 aHarry Potter and the deathly hallowsdHarry Potter et les reliques de la mortfJoanne Kathleen Rowling  aLondrescBloomsburyd2010  a831 p. 1tHarry Potterv7  aAnglais (langue)2Rameau  a420 1aRowlingbJoanne Kathleenf1965-....4070  aFRbBibliothÁeque de l\'agglomÂeration de Saint-Omer  apm 1aPotterItem',
+												$this->_response->getBody());
+	}
-		$fiche_sigb = array('type_comm' => 2, //OPSYS
-												'fiche' => $emprunteur,
-												'message' => '',
-												'erreur' => '',
-												'nom_aff' => 'FloFlo');
-		$this->florence->setFicheSigb($fiche_sigb)
-									->setPseudo('FloFlo');
+class AbonneControllerPretsListTwoPretsTest extends AbonneControllerPretsListTwoPretsTestCase {
+	public function setUp() {
+		parent::setUp();
-	public function testPageIsRendered() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function controllerAndActionShouldBeAbonnePrets() {
@@ -116,8 +164,16 @@ class AbonneControllerPretsListTwoPretsTest extends AbstractAbonneControllerPret
-	public function testNomAffiche() {
-		$this->assertQueryContentContains("div.abonneTitre", 'FloFlo');
+	/** @test */
+	public function userNameShouldBePresent() {
+		$this->assertQueryContentContains('div.abonneTitre', 'FloFlo');
+	}
+	/** @test */
+	public function loanExportLinkShouldBePresent() {
+		$this->assertXPathContentContains('//a[contains(@href, "/abonne/loan-export")]', 
+																			'Export unimarc');
@@ -134,49 +190,70 @@ class AbonneControllerPretsListTwoPretsTest extends AbstractAbonneControllerPret
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains('//script', '$(".tablesorter").tablesorter()');
-	public function testViewTitreAlice() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function aliceLoanShouldBePresent() {
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains("//tbody/tr[1][@class=\"pret_en_retard\"]//td//a[contains(@href, '/recherche/viewnotice/id/827/retour_abonne/prets')]", 
-	public function testViewBibAliceIsAlmont() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function aliceLibraryShouldBeAlmont() {
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains("//tbody/tr[1]//td", 'Almont');
-	public function testViewAuteurAliceIsLewisCaroll() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function aliceAuthorShouldBeLewisCaroll() {
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains("//tbody/tr[1]//td", 'Lewis Caroll');
-	public function testViewDateRetourAliceIsTwentyOneOctober() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function aliceDueDateShouldBeTwentyOneOctober() {
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains("//tbody/tr[1]//td", '21/10/2010');
-	public function testLinkProlongerForAlice() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function aliceLoanShouldHaveExtendLink() {
-	public function testViewTitrePotter() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function potterLoanShouldBePresent() {
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains("//tbody/tr[2]//td", 'Potter', $this->_response->getBody());
-	public function testViewBibPotterIsAstrolabe() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function potterLibraryShouldBeAstrolab() {
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains("//tbody/tr[2]//td", 'Astrolabe');
-	public function testViewAuteurPotterIsJKRolling() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function potterAuthorShouldBeJKRolling() {
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains("//tbody/tr[2]//td", 'JK Rowling');
-	public function testViewDateRetourPotterIsTwentyNineOctober2022() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function potterDueDateShouldBeTwentyNineOctober2022() {
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains("//tbody/tr[2][not(@class)]//td", '29/10/2022');
-	public function testLinkProlongerForPotter() {
+	/** @test */
+	public function potterLoanShouldHaveExtendLink() {
 	/** @test **/
 	public function colonneInformationShouldBeDisplay(){
@@ -187,7 +264,6 @@ class AbonneControllerPretsListTwoPretsTest extends AbstractAbonneControllerPret
 	public function colonneInformationShouldContainsP1(){
 		$this->assertXPathContentContains('//tbody//td','P1', $this->_response->getBody());