diff --git a/VERSIONS_HOTLINE/181094 b/VERSIONS_HOTLINE/181094
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0106253104be711899baabd4e4a0517990d2f22
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ - correctif #181094 : Centre interet en double, création d'un script qui supprimes les doublons et met à jours les facettes et domaines liés
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/library/Class/Migration/DeduplCentreInteret.php b/library/Class/Migration/DeduplCentreInteret.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f0b23593e754cd1370dc7acc895f70aa9b3e2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/Class/Migration/DeduplCentreInteret.php
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2023, Agence Française Informatique (AFI). All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * BOKEH is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the AGPL as it
+ * is applied to this software (see README file).
+ *
+ * BOKEH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * along with BOKEH; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+ */
+class Class_Migration_DeduplCentreInteret {
+  protected $_sql;
+  protected array $_log = [];
+  public function run() : string {
+    $this->_sql = Zend_Registry::get('sql');
+    $row_results = $this->_sql->fetchAll('select libelle, count(*) as grp_count from codif_interet group by libelle having grp_count > 1');
+    foreach ($row_results as $row) {
+      $label = $row['libelle'];
+      $interets = Class_CodifCentreInteret::findAllBy(['libelle' => $label]);
+      $code_alpha = Class_Indexation::getInstance()->alphaMaj($label);
+      $this->_dedupl($interets, $code_alpha);
+    }
+    return implode("\n", $this->_log);
+  }
+  protected function _dedupl(array $interets, string $code_alpha) : self {
+    $collection = new Storm_Collection($interets);
+    if ( ! ($keep = $collection
+            ->detect(fn($interet) => $code_alpha === $interet->getCodeAlpha()))) {
+      $keep = $collection->first();
+      $keep->setCodeAlpha($code_alpha)->save();
+    }
+    $collection->select(fn($interet) => $keep->getId() !== $interet->getId())
+               ->eachDo(fn($interet) => $this->_updateRecords($keep->asFacet(), $interet)
+                        ->_updateDomains($keep->getId(), $interet));
+    return $this;
+  }
+  protected function _updateRecords(string $keep_facet, Class_CodifCentreInteret $interet) : self {
+    $facet = $interet->asFacet();
+    $query = 'UPDATE `notices` SET `facettes` = REGEXP_REPLACE(`facettes`, "'
+      . Class_CodifThesaurus_Loader::WORD_BOUNDARY
+      . $facet
+      . Class_CodifThesaurus_Loader::WORD_BOUNDARY
+      . '", "' . $keep_facet . '")'
+      . " WHERE MATCH(`facettes`) AGAINST('" . $facet . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
+    $this->_log [] = ' - CentreInteret deleted id: ' . $interet->getId()
+      . ', label: ' . $interet->getLibelle()
+      . ', code_alpha: ' . $interet->getCodeAlpha();
+    $this->_log [] = '   -> Record facettes change from: ' . $facet . ', to: ' . $keep_facet;
+    $this->_sql->query($query);
+    $interet->delete();
+    return $this;
+  }
+  protected function _updateDomains(int $id, Class_CodifCentreInteret $interet) : self {
+    $domains = Class_Catalogue::query()
+      ->like('interet', '%' . $interet->getId() . '%')
+      ->fetchAll();
+    foreach ($domains as $domain)
+      $this->_updateOneDomain($domain, $interet->getId(), $id);
+    return $this;
+  }
+  protected function _updateOneDomain(Class_Catalogue $domain,
+                                      int $replace_id,
+                                      int $new_id) : self {
+    $interets = [];
+    $updated = false;
+    foreach (explode(';', $domain->getInteret()) as $interet) {
+      $domain_updated = $replace_id == $interet;
+      $updated |= $domain_updated;
+      $interets [] = $domain_updated
+        ? $new_id
+        : $interet;
+    }
+    if ($updated) {
+      $new_interests = implode(';', array_unique($interets));
+      $this->_log [] = '   -> Domain id: ' . $domain->getId()
+        . ', change interet from: ' . $domain->getInteret()
+        . ', to: ' . $new_interests;
+      $domain->setInteret($new_interests)->save();
+    }
+    return $this;
+  }
diff --git a/scripts/dedupl_interet.php b/scripts/dedupl_interet.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01320ba38f1fcda3ac40af08821babcbb3c71a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/dedupl_interet.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require __DIR__ . '/../console.php';
+echo (new Class_Migration_DeduplCentreInteret)->run();
+echo "\n\n";
diff --git a/tests/library/Class/DeduplCentreInteretTest.php b/tests/library/Class/DeduplCentreInteretTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a52fd27bf5d9a328996c105e94b76ac8bcede93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/library/Class/DeduplCentreInteretTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2023, Agence Française Informatique (AFI). All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * BOKEH is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the AGPL as it
+ * is applied to this software (see README file).
+ *
+ * BOKEH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * along with BOKEH; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+ */
+class DeduplCentreInteretTest extends ModelTestCase {
+  public function setUp() {
+    parent::setUp();
+    Zend_Registry::set('sql', $this->mock()
+                       ->whenCalled('fetchAll')
+                       ->with('select libelle, count(*) as grp_count from codif_interet group by libelle having grp_count > 1')
+                       ->answers([['libelle' => 'age : a partir de 10 ans', 'grp_count' => 2],
+                                  ['libelle' => 'Musique & Variétées', 'grp_count' => 2],
+                                  ['libelle' => 'Thriller / Romans', 'grp_count' => 2],
+                                  ['libelle' => 'Voyage, vacances', 'grp_count' => 2]])
+                       ->whenCalled('query')
+                       ->with('UPDATE `notices` SET `facettes` = REGEXP_REPLACE(`facettes`, "\\\\bF2\\\\b", "F3") WHERE MATCH(`facettes`) AGAINST(\'F2\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)')
+                       ->willDo(function() {
+                         Class_Notice::find(111)->setFacettes('T1 F3 G22')->save();
+                         Class_Notice::find(114)->setFacettes('F3 T1 F5 G22 F8 HCCFF2001 F7')
+                                                ->save();
+                       })
+                       ->whenCalled('query')
+                       ->with('UPDATE `notices` SET `facettes` = REGEXP_REPLACE(`facettes`, "\\\\bF4\\\\b", "F5") WHERE MATCH(`facettes`) AGAINST(\'F4\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)')
+                       ->willDo(fn() => Class_Notice::find(112)->setFacettes('T1 F5')->save())
+                       ->whenCalled('query')
+                       ->with('UPDATE `notices` SET `facettes` = REGEXP_REPLACE(`facettes`, "\\\\bF6\\\\b", "F7") WHERE MATCH(`facettes`) AGAINST(\'F6\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)')
+                       ->willDo(function() {
+                         Class_Notice::find(113)->setFacettes('F7 G22')->save();
+                         Class_Notice::find(114)->setFacettes('F3 T1 F5 G22 F8 HCCFF2001 F7')
+                                                ->save();
+                       })
+                       ->whenCalled('query')
+                       ->with('UPDATE `notices` SET `facettes` = REGEXP_REPLACE(`facettes`, "\\\\bF9\\\\b", "F8") WHERE MATCH(`facettes`) AGAINST(\'F9\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)')
+                       ->willDo(fn() => Class_Notice::find(114)
+                                ->setFacettes('F3 T1 F5 G22 F8 HCCFF2001 F7')->save())
+                       ->whenCalled('query')
+                       ->with('update notices set facettes = clean_spaces(REGEXP_REPLACE(facettes, "\\\\bHCCCC0001\\\\b", "")) where type_doc not in ("8", "9", "10") and type=1 and match(facettes) against("+HCCCC0001" in boolean mode)')
+                       ->answers(1)
+                       ->whenCalled('query')
+                       ->with('update notices set facettes = clean_spaces(REGEXP_REPLACE(facettes, "\\\\bHCCCC0002\\\\b", "")) where type_doc not in ("8", "9", "10") and type=1 and match(facettes) against("+HCCCC0002" in boolean mode)')
+                       ->answers(1)
+                       ->whenCalled('query')
+                       ->with('update notices set facettes = clean_spaces(REGEXP_REPLACE(facettes, "\\\\bHCCCC0003\\\\b", "")) where type_doc not in ("8", "9", "10") and type=1 and match(facettes) against("+HCCCC0003" in boolean mode)')
+                       ->answers(1)
+                       ->whenCalled('query')
+                       ->with('update notices set facettes = clean_spaces(REGEXP_REPLACE(facettes, "\\\\bHCCCC0004\\\\b", "")) where type_doc not in ("8", "9", "10") and type=1 and match(facettes) against("+HCCCC0004" in boolean mode)')
+                       ->answers(1)
+                       ->beStrict());
+    $this->fixture(Class_CodifCentreInteret::class,
+                   ['id' => 1,
+                    'libelle' => 'lib uniq',
+                    'code_alpha' => 'LIB UNIQ']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_CodifCentreInteret::class,
+                   ['id' => 2,
+                    'libelle' => 'age : a partir de 10 ans',
+                    'code_alpha' => 'AGE   A PARTIR DE 10 ANS']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_CodifCentreInteret::class,
+                   ['id' => 3,
+                    'libelle' => 'age : a partir de 10 ans',
+                    'code_alpha' => 'AGE A PARTIR DE 10 ANS']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_CodifCentreInteret::class,
+                   ['id' => 4,
+                    'libelle' => 'Musique & Variétées',
+                    'code_alpha' => 'MUSIQUE   VARIETEES']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_CodifCentreInteret::class,
+                   ['id' => 5,
+                    'libelle' => 'Musique & Variétées',
+                    'code_alpha' => 'MUSIQUE VARIETEES']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_CodifCentreInteret::class,
+                   ['id' => 6,
+                    'libelle' => 'Thriller / Romans',
+                    'code_alpha' => 'THRILLER   ROMANS']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_CodifCentreInteret::class,
+                   ['id' => 7,
+                    'libelle' => 'Thriller / Romans',
+                    'code_alpha' => 'THRILLER ROMANS']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_CodifCentreInteret::class,
+                   ['id' => 8,
+                    'libelle' => 'Voyage, vacances',
+                    'code_alpha' => 'VOYAGE  VACANCES']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_CodifCentreInteret::class,
+                   ['id' => 9,
+                    'libelle' => 'Voyage, vacances',
+                    'code_alpha' => 'VOYAGE   VACANCES']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Notice::class,
+                   ['id' => 111,
+                    'facettes' => 'T1 F2 G22']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Notice::class,
+                   ['id' => 112,
+                    'facettes' => 'T1 F4']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Notice::class,
+                   ['id' => 113,
+                    'facettes' => 'F6 G22']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Notice::class,
+                   ['id' => 114,
+                    'facettes' => 'F2 T1 F5 G22 F9 HCCFF2001 F6']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Catalogue::class,
+                   ['id' => 1111,
+                    'libelle' => 'Domain label 1111',
+                    'interet' => '2']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Catalogue::class,
+                   ['id' => 1112,
+                    'libelle' => 'Domain label 1112',
+                    'interet' => '44;4']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Catalogue::class,
+                   ['id' => 1113,
+                    'libelle' => 'Domain label 1113',
+                    'interet' => '6;66']);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Catalogue::class,
+                   ['id' => 1114,
+                    'libelle' => 'Domain label 1114',
+                    'interet' => '2;5;46;9']);
+    (new Class_Migration_DeduplCentreInteret)->run();
+    Class_CodifCentreInteret::clearCache();
+  }
+  public function keepedCentreInteret() : array {
+    return [[1, 'lib uniq', 'LIB UNIQ'],
+            [3, 'age : a partir de 10 ans', 'AGE A PARTIR DE 10 ANS'],
+            [5, 'Musique & Variétées', 'MUSIQUE VARIETEES'],
+            [7, 'Thriller / Romans', 'THRILLER ROMANS'],
+            [8, 'Voyage, vacances', 'VOYAGE VACANCES']
+    ];
+  }
+  public function deletedCentreInteret() : array {
+    return [[2],
+            [4],
+            [6],
+            [9]
+    ];
+  }
+  public function recordsUpdated() : array {
+    return [[111, 'T1 F3 G22'],
+            [112, 'T1 F5'],
+            [113, 'F7 G22'],
+            [114, 'F3 T1 F5 G22 F8 HCCFF2001 F7']
+    ];
+  }
+  public function domainsUpdated() : array {
+    return [[1111, '3'],
+            [1112, '44;5'],
+            [1113, '7;66'],
+            [1114, '3;5;46;8']
+    ];
+  }
+  /**
+   * @test
+   * @dataProvider keepedCentreInteret
+   */
+  public function keepedShouldNotBeUpdated(int $id, string $label, string $code_alpha) {
+    $interest = Class_CodifCentreInteret::find($id);
+    $this->assertEquals([$label, $code_alpha], [$interest->getLibelle(),
+                                                $interest->getCodeAlpha()]);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @test
+   * @dataProvider deletedCentreInteret
+   */
+  public function deletedShouldNotExists(int $id) {
+    $this->assertNull(Class_CodifCentreInteret::find($id));
+  }
+  /**
+   * @test
+   * @dataProvider recordsUpdated
+   */
+  public function recordsFacettesShouldHaveBeenUpdated(int $id, string $facet) {
+    $record = Class_Notice::find($id);
+    $this->assertEquals($facet, $record->getFacettes());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @test
+   * @dataProvider domainsUpdated
+   */
+  public function domainsInteretsShouldHaveBeenUpdated(int $id, string $interets) {
+    $domain = Class_Catalogue::find($id);
+    $this->assertEquals($interets, $domain->getInteret());
+  }