diff --git a/VERSIONS_HOTLINE/#28241 b/VERSIONS_HOTLINE/#28241
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f87182e11d5c41b46914990cee77991f00812be
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ - ticket #28241 : Les messages d'alerte en haut de l'écran sont maitenant détectés par les outils d'accessibilité.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/admin/js/notification/js/jquery_notification_v.1.js b/public/admin/js/notification/js/jquery_notification_v.1.js
index 2370b89781c0ddd4c459eb3893604a39704fc193..b21158a1230317bbfc1fa33c6bdf62d2659e9bfb 100755
--- a/public/admin/js/notification/js/jquery_notification_v.1.js
+++ b/public/admin/js/notification/js/jquery_notification_v.1.js
@@ -10,89 +10,92 @@
  * Usage: call this function with params 
- **/
 function showNotification(params){
-    // options array
-    var options = { 
-        'showAfter': 0, // number of sec to wait after page loads
-        'duration': 0, // display duration
-        'autoClose' : false, // flag to autoClose notification message
-        'type' : 'success', // type of info message error/success/info/warning
-        'message': '', // message to dispaly
-        'link_notification' : '', // link flag to show extra description
-        'description' : '' // link to desciption to display on clicking link message
-    }; 
-    // Extending array from params
-    $.extend(true, options, params);
-    var msgclass = 'succ_bg'; // default success message will shown
-    if(options['type'] == 'error'){
-        msgclass = 'error_bg'; // over write the message to error message
-    } else if(options['type'] == 'information'){
-        msgclass = 'info_bg'; // over write the message to information message
-    } else if(options['type'] == 'warning'){
-        msgclass = 'warn_bg'; // over write the message to warning message
-    } 
-    // Parent Div container
-    var container = '<div id="info_message" class="'+msgclass+'"><div class="center_auto"><div class="info_message_text message_area">';
-    container += options['message'];
-    container += '</div><div class="info_close_btn button_area" onclick="return closeNotification()"></div><div class="clearboth"></div>';
-    container += '</div><div class="info_more_descrption"></div></div>';
-    $notification = $(container);
-    // Appeding notification to Body
-    $('body').append($notification);
-    var divHeight = $('div#info_message').height();
-    // see CSS top to minus of div height
-    $('div#info_message').css({
-        top : '-'+divHeight+'px'
-    });
-    // showing notification message, default it will be hidden
-    $('div#info_message').show();
-    // Slide Down notification message after startAfter seconds
-    slideDownNotification(options['showAfter'], options['autoClose'],options['duration']);
-    $('.link_notification').live('click', function(){
-        $('.info_more_descrption').html(options['description']).slideDown('fast');
-    });
+  // options array
+  var options = { 
+    'showAfter': 0, // number of sec to wait after page loads
+    'duration': 0, // display duration
+    'autoClose' : false, // flag to autoClose notification message
+    'type' : 'success', // type of info message error/success/info/warning
+    'message': '', // message to dispaly
+    'link_notification' : '', // link flag to show extra description
+    'description' : '' // link to desciption to display on clicking link message
+  }; 
+  // Extending array from params
+  $.extend(true, options, params);
+  var msgclass = 'succ_bg'; // default success message will shown
+  if(options['type'] == 'error'){
+    msgclass = 'error_bg'; // over write the message to error message
+  } else if(options['type'] == 'information'){
+    msgclass = 'info_bg'; // over write the message to information message
+  } else if(options['type'] == 'warning'){
+    msgclass = 'warn_bg'; // over write the message to warning message
+  } 
+  // Parent Div container
+  var container = '<div id="info_message" role="alert" class="'+msgclass+'"><div class="center_auto"><div class="info_message_text message_area">';
+  container += options['message'];
+  container += '</div><div class="info_close_btn button_area" onclick="return closeNotification()"></div><div class="clearboth"></div>';
+  container += '</div><div class="info_more_descrption"></div></div>';
+  $notification = $(container);
+  // Appeding notification to Body
+  $('body').append($notification);
+  var divHeight = $('div#info_message').height();
+  // see CSS top to minus of div height
+  $('div#info_message').css({
+    top : '-'+divHeight+'px'
+  });
+  // showing notification message, default it will be hidden
+  $('div#info_message').show();
+  // Slide Down notification message after startAfter seconds
+  slideDownNotification(options['showAfter'], options['autoClose'],options['duration']);
+  // Give the focus to the notification for accessibility tools
+  $('div#info_message').attr('tabindex', -1).focus();
+  $('.link_notification').live('click', function(){
+    $('.info_more_descrption').html(options['description']).slideDown('fast');
+  });
 // function to close notification message
 // slideUp the message
 function closeNotification(duration){
-    var divHeight = $('div#info_message').height();
+  var divHeight = $('div#info_message').height();
+  setTimeout(function(){
+    $('div#info_message').animate({
+      top: '-'+divHeight
+    }); 
+    // removing the notification from body
-        $('div#info_message').animate({
-            top: '-'+divHeight
-        }); 
-        // removing the notification from body
-        setTimeout(function(){
-            $('div#info_message').remove();
-        },200);
-    }, parseInt(duration * 1000));   
+      $('div#info_message').remove();
+    },200);
+  }, parseInt(duration * 1000));   
 // sliding down the notification
 function slideDownNotification(startAfter, autoClose, duration){    
-    setTimeout(function(){
-        $('div#info_message').animate({
-            top: 0
-        }); 
-        if(autoClose){
-            setTimeout(function(){
-                closeNotification(duration);
-            }, duration);
-        }
-    }, parseInt(startAfter * 1000));    
+  setTimeout(function(){
+    $('div#info_message').animate({
+      top: 0
+    }); 
+    if(autoClose){
+      setTimeout(function(){
+        closeNotification(duration);
+      }, duration);
+    }
+  }, parseInt(startAfter * 1000));