diff --git a/VERSIONS_HOTLINE/28087 b/VERSIONS_HOTLINE/28087
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42c9a123a2c742056726ba1ece60c72f4869fa3b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+- ticket #28087 : sur une recherche avancée avec "ou" (ex titres=pomme ou auteur=rowling), la sélection des facettes ne fonctionnait plus sur le résultat
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/library/Class/MoteurRecherche.php b/library/Class/MoteurRecherche.php
index d946e05040c5bf03fda6edc1aa8965928fcad7c4..96f82749c336d38e5d3e24ea4084d8618fcb6da1 100644
--- a/library/Class/MoteurRecherche.php
+++ b/library/Class/MoteurRecherche.php
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class Class_MoteurRecherche {
     $_domain_conditions = null,
     $conditions = '',
+    $_with_operator_conditions = [],
     $_or_conditions = '',
     $_filter_domain_conditions = '';
@@ -272,15 +273,13 @@ class Class_MoteurRecherche {
     if (!$operateur)
       $operateur = 'and';
-    if($this->conditions)
-      $this->conditions .= ' ' . $operateur . ' ';
-    elseif(stripos($operateur, 'NOT'))
-      $this->conditions .= 'not ';
     // Type de recherche
-    $this->conditions .= ($type_recherche == 'fulltext')
+    $condition = ($type_recherche == 'fulltext')
       ? "MATCH(".$name.") AGAINST('".$recherche."' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"
       : $name . " like '" . $recherche . "%'";
+    $this->_with_operator_conditions []= ['operator' => strtolower($operateur),
+                                          'condition' => $condition];
@@ -357,6 +356,7 @@ class Class_MoteurRecherche {
   public function visitSearchSettings($criteres_recherche) {
     $this->criteres_recherche = $criteres_recherche;
     $this->conditions = '';
+    $this->_with_operator_conditions = [];
     $this->all_facettes = '';
     $this->select_notices = 'id_notice from notices';
     $this->nb_mots = 0;
@@ -369,7 +369,24 @@ class Class_MoteurRecherche {
+  protected function injectWithOperatorConditions() {
+    if (!$this->_with_operator_conditions)
+      return $this;
+    $first_condition = array_shift($this->_with_operator_conditions);
+    $operators_conditions = '(' . (strpos($first_condition['operator'], 'not') ? 'not ' : '') . $first_condition['condition'];
+    foreach ($this->_with_operator_conditions as $condition)
+      $operators_conditions .= ' ' . $condition['operator'] . ' ' . $condition['condition'];
+    $operators_conditions .= ')';
+    $this->conditions = implode(' and ', array_filter([$this->conditions, $operators_conditions]));
+    return $this;
+  }
   public function buildWherePartQuery() {
+    $this->injectWithOperatorConditions();
     if(!is_null($this->_domain_conditions)) {
       return self::getConditionsForRequest($this->conditions, $this->_or_conditions, $this->_filter_domain_conditions);
diff --git a/tests/library/Class/MoteurRechercheTest.php b/tests/library/Class/MoteurRechercheTest.php
index ab5a6c4669ea6e6539126c820b1d071a3059c60a..b90c21f33197c96992ae549b9766ed32c9fcd066 100644
--- a/tests/library/Class/MoteurRechercheTest.php
+++ b/tests/library/Class/MoteurRechercheTest.php
@@ -113,20 +113,20 @@ class MoteurRechercheAvanceeTest extends MoteurRechercheTestCase {
               'type_recherche' => 'fulltext',
               'pertinence' => false,
               'tri' => 'alpha_auteur'] ,
-             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("MATCH(auteurs) AGAINST('+(FOUCAULT FOUCAULTS FOUKOLT)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
+             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("(MATCH(auteurs) AGAINST('+(FOUCAULT FOUCAULTS FOUKOLT)' IN BOOLEAN MODE))",
-             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("MATCH(auteurs) AGAINST('+(FOUCAULT FOUCAULTS FOUKOLT)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
-             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("MATCH(auteurs) AGAINST('+(FOUCAULT FOUCAULTS FOUKOLT)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
+             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("(MATCH(auteurs) AGAINST('+(FOUCAULT FOUCAULTS FOUKOLT)' IN BOOLEAN MODE))"),
+             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("(MATCH(auteurs) AGAINST('+(FOUCAULT FOUCAULTS FOUKOLT)' IN BOOLEAN MODE))")],
             [['rech_auteurs' => 'Bourdieu',
               'operateur_auteurs' => 'and',
               'type_recherche' => 'commence',
               'pertinence' => true,
               'tri' => 'alpha_titre'] ,
-             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("auteurs like 'BOURDIEU%'",
+             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("(auteurs like 'BOURDIEU%')",
-             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("auteurs like 'BOURDIEU%'"),
-             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("auteurs like 'BOURDIEU%'")],
+             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("(auteurs like 'BOURDIEU%')"),
+             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("(auteurs like 'BOURDIEU%')")],
             [['rech_auteurs' => 'Clastres',
               'operateur_auteurs' => 'and',
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ class MoteurRechercheAvanceeTest extends MoteurRechercheTestCase {
               'type_recherche' => 'commence',
               'pertinence' => true,
               'tri' => 'alpha_titre'] ,
-             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith( "auteurs like 'CLASTRES%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +(YTUN YTAP)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
+             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith( "(auteurs like 'CLASTRES%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +(YTUN YTAP)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
-             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("auteurs like 'CLASTRES%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +(YTUN YTAP)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
-             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("auteurs like 'CLASTRES%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +(YTUN YTAP)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
+             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("(auteurs like 'CLASTRES%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +(YTUN YTAP)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
+             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("(auteurs like 'CLASTRES%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +(YTUN YTAP)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
             [['rech_matieres' => 'Philosophie',
               'operateur_matieres' => 'and not',
@@ -149,10 +149,10 @@ class MoteurRechercheAvanceeTest extends MoteurRechercheTestCase {
               'type_recherche' => 'commence',
               'pertinence' => true,
               'tri' => 'alpha_titre'] ,
-             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("not matieres like 'PHILOSOPHIE%' and annee >='1960' and annee <='2013' and date_creation >'".$this->expected_date."' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+T1' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
+             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("annee >='1960' and annee <='2013' and date_creation >'".$this->expected_date."' and (not matieres like 'PHILOSOPHIE%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+T1' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
-             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("not matieres like 'PHILOSOPHIE%' and annee >='1960' and annee <='2013' and date_creation >'".$this->expected_date."' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+T1' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
-             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("not matieres like 'PHILOSOPHIE%' and annee >='1960' and annee <='2013' and date_creation >'".$this->expected_date."' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+T1' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
+             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("annee >='1960' and annee <='2013' and date_creation >'".$this->expected_date."' and (not matieres like 'PHILOSOPHIE%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+T1' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
+             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("annee >='1960' and annee <='2013' and date_creation >'".$this->expected_date."' and (not matieres like 'PHILOSOPHIE%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+T1' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
             [['rech_titres' => 'Les nouveaux chiens de garde',
               'operateur_titres' => 'and',
@@ -163,10 +163,10 @@ class MoteurRechercheAvanceeTest extends MoteurRechercheTestCase {
               'type_recherche' => 'nimportequoi',
               'pertinence' => false,
               'tri' => 'alpha_titre'] ,
-             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("MATCH(titres) AGAINST('+(NOUVEAU NOUVEAUX NOUVO) +(CHIEN CHIENS CHIN) +(GARDE GARDES GARD)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) or MATCH(editeur) AGAINST('+(RAISON RAISONS RAISON) +(D00 D00S ) +(AGIR AGIRS AJIR)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) and date_creation >'2012-02-03' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+B4' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
+             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("date_creation >'2012-02-03' and (MATCH(titres) AGAINST('+(NOUVEAU NOUVEAUX NOUVO) +(CHIEN CHIENS CHIN) +(GARDE GARDES GARD)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) or MATCH(editeur) AGAINST('+(RAISON RAISONS RAISON) +(D00 D00S ) +(AGIR AGIRS AJIR)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+B4' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
-             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("MATCH(titres) AGAINST('+(NOUVEAU NOUVEAUX NOUVO) +(CHIEN CHIENS CHIN) +(GARDE GARDES GARD)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) or MATCH(editeur) AGAINST('+(RAISON RAISONS RAISON) +(D00 D00S ) +(AGIR AGIRS AJIR)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) and date_creation >'2012-02-03' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+B4' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
-             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("MATCH(titres) AGAINST('+(NOUVEAU NOUVEAUX NOUVO) +(CHIEN CHIENS CHIN) +(GARDE GARDES GARD)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) or MATCH(editeur) AGAINST('+(RAISON RAISONS RAISON) +(D00 D00S ) +(AGIR AGIRS AJIR)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) and date_creation >'2012-02-03' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+B4' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
+             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("date_creation >'2012-02-03' and (MATCH(titres) AGAINST('+(NOUVEAU NOUVEAUX NOUVO) +(CHIEN CHIENS CHIN) +(GARDE GARDES GARD)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) or MATCH(editeur) AGAINST('+(RAISON RAISONS RAISON) +(D00 D00S ) +(AGIR AGIRS AJIR)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+B4' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
+             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("date_creation >'2012-02-03' and (MATCH(titres) AGAINST('+(NOUVEAU NOUVEAUX NOUVO) +(CHIEN CHIENS CHIN) +(GARDE GARDES GARD)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) or MATCH(editeur) AGAINST('+(RAISON RAISONS RAISON) +(D00 D00S ) +(AGIR AGIRS AJIR)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+B4' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
             [['rech_auteurs' => 'Stiegler',
               'operateur_auteurs' => 'and',
@@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ class MoteurRechercheAvanceeTest extends MoteurRechercheTestCase {
               'type_recherche' => 'commence',
               'pertinence' => true,
               'tri' => 'alpha_titre'] ,
-             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("auteurs like 'STIEGLER%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
+             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("(auteurs like 'STIEGLER%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
-             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("auteurs like 'STIEGLER%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
-             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("auteurs like 'STIEGLER%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
+             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("(auteurs like 'STIEGLER%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
+             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("(auteurs like 'STIEGLER%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
             [['rech_titres' => 'Les décisions absurdes',
               'operateur_auteurs' => 'and',
@@ -193,10 +193,10 @@ class MoteurRechercheAvanceeTest extends MoteurRechercheTestCase {
               'type_recherche' => 'commence',
               'pertinence' => true,
               'tri' => 'alpha_titre'],
-             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("titres like 'LES DECISIONS ABSURDES%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+S1 +YMED1 +M4669 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
+             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("(titres like 'LES DECISIONS ABSURDES%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+S1 +YMED1 +M4669 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
-             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("titres like 'LES DECISIONS ABSURDES%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+S1 +YMED1 +M4669 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
-             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("titres like 'LES DECISIONS ABSURDES%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+S1 +YMED1 +M4669 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
+             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("(titres like 'LES DECISIONS ABSURDES%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+S1 +YMED1 +M4669 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
+             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("(titres like 'LES DECISIONS ABSURDES%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+S1 +YMED1 +M4669 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(B3 B4)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")],
             [['rech_auteurs' => 'Stiegler',
               'operateur_auteurs' => 'and',
@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ class MoteurRechercheAvanceeTest extends MoteurRechercheTestCase {
               'type_recherche' => 'commence',
               'pertinence' => true,
               'tri' => 'alpha_titre'] ,
-             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("auteurs like 'STIEGLER%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
+             'req_notices' => $this->listSqlWith("(auteurs like 'STIEGLER%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
-             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("auteurs like 'STIEGLER%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
-             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("auteurs like 'STIEGLER%' and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")]];
+             'req_comptage' => $this->countSqlWith("(auteurs like 'STIEGLER%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"),
+             'req_facettes' => $this->facetSqlWith("(auteurs like 'STIEGLER%') and MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1 +G23 +A345 +(YTUN YTAP)  +(S1 S12 S9)  +(B3)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")]];