diff --git a/VERSIONS_HOTLINE/137883 b/VERSIONS_HOTLINE/137883
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82b93a38a10db0021071c050f969678a80b19c2b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ - ticket #137883 : SIGB Nanook : amélioration des tests sur l'ajout de cartes multiples dans le cas d'un numéro de carte partagé
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/scenarios/MultiCards/MultiCardsAddCardTest.php b/tests/scenarios/MultiCards/MultiCardsAddCardTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a930e1c1c6f8d0e42e99a93bfe84d670b21ed5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/scenarios/MultiCards/MultiCardsAddCardTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Agence Française Informatique (AFI). All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * BOKEH is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the AGPL as it
+ * is applied to this software (see README file).
+ *
+ * BOKEH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * along with BOKEH; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+ */
+class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardActionTest extends AbstractControllerTestCase {
+  protected $_storm_default_to_volatile = true;
+  public function setUp() {
+    parent::setUp();
+    $this->dispatch('/abonne/add-card');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function titleShouldBeAddACard() {
+    $this->assertXPathContentContains('//title', 'Ajouter une carte');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function formShouldContainsInputLogin() {
+    $this->assertXPath('//input[@type="text"][@name="login"]');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function formShouldContainsInputPassword() {
+    $this->assertXPath('//input[@type="password"][@name="password"]');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function formActionShouldBeAbonneAddCard() {
+    $this->assertXPath('//form[contains(@action, "/abonne/add-card")]');
+  }
+  /**
+   * @test
+   * @see  ZendAfi_View_Helper_Admin_RenderForm
+   */
+  public function pageShouldContainsOnlyOneValidateButtons() {
+    $this->assertNotXPathContentContains('//script', '.clone().insertBefore("#opac-dialog');
+  }
+abstract class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardPostTestCase extends AbstractControllerTestCase {
+  protected $_storm_default_to_volatile = true;
+  public function setUp() {
+    parent::setUp();
+    $death_star = $this->fixture(Class_Bib::class,
+                                 ['id' => 23,
+                                  'libelle' => 'Death Star',
+                                 ]);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Users::class,
+                   ['id' => 1,
+                    'login' => 'darky',
+                    'password' => 'darkside',
+                    'role_level' => ZendAfi_Acl_AdminControllerRoles::ABONNE_SIGB,
+                    'idabon' => '12345',
+                    'date_fin' => '2016-12-25',
+                    'bib' => $death_star,
+                    'ordreabon' => 1,
+                    'id_sigb' => 1,
+                   ]);
+    $this->fixture(Class_Users::class,
+                   ['id' => 2,
+                    'login' => 'luke',
+                    'password' => 'ilovelightsabers',
+                    'nom' => 'Skywalker',
+                    'prenom' => 'Luke',
+                    'role_level' => ZendAfi_Acl_AdminControllerRoles::ABONNE_SIGB,
+                    'idabon' => '6789',
+                    'date_fin' => '2016-11-01',
+                    'bib' => $death_star
+                   ]);
+  }
+class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardLukeToDarkyTest extends Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardPostTestCase {
+  public function setUp() {
+    parent::setUp();
+    ZendAfi_Auth::getInstance()->logUser(Class_Users::find(1));
+    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
+                        ['login' => 'luke',
+                         'password' => 'ilovelightsabers']);
+    Class_Users::clearCache();
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function linkedCardWithIdOneShouldHaveBeenCreated() {
+    $this->assertNotNull($card = Class_LinkedCard::find(1));
+    return $card;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @depends linkedCardWithIdOneShouldHaveBeenCreated
+   * @test
+   */
+  public function linkedCardParentShouldBeDarky($card) {
+    $this->assertEquals('darky', $card->getParentCard()->getLogin());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @depends linkedCardWithIdOneShouldHaveBeenCreated
+   * @test
+   */
+  public function linkedCardChildShouldBeLuke($card) {
+    $this->assertEquals('luke', $card->getChildCard()->getLogin());
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function responseShouldRedirectToAddCard() {
+    $this->assertXPathContentContains('//script', 'location.reload();');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function notificationShouldContainsCardAdded() {
+    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Carte de "Luke Skywalker" ajoutée');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function darkyLinkedCardsShouldContainsLukesOne() {
+    $child_cards = new Storm_Collection(Class_Users::find(1)->getChildCards());
+    $this->assertNotNull($child_cards->detect(function($card)
+                                              {
+                                                return 'luke' == $card->getLogin();
+                                              }));
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function lukeParentCardsShouldContainsDarkys() {
+    $parent_cards = new Storm_Collection(Class_Users::find(2)->getParentCards());
+    $this->assertNotNull($parent_cards->detect(function($card)
+                                               {
+                                                 return 'darky' == $card->getLogin();
+                                               }));
+  }
+class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardValidationRulesTest extends Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardPostTestCase {
+  public function setUp() {
+    parent::setUp();
+    ZendAfi_Auth::getInstance()->logUser(Class_Users::find(1));
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function userWithoutPasswordShouldBeWarned() {
+    Class_Users::getIdentity()
+      ->setPassword(null)
+      ->saveWithoutValidation();
+    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
+                        ['login' => 'luke',
+                         'password' => 'ilovelightsabers']);
+    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Une erreur s\'est produite en ajoutant la carte de "Luke Skywalker" : Vous devez compléter le champ \'Mot de passe\'');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function darkyCannotAddHimself() {
+    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
+                        ['login' => 'darky',
+                         'password' => 'darkside']);
+    $this->assertFalse(Class_Users::getIdentity()->hasChildCards());
+    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter votre propre carte');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function darkyShouldNotAddLukeTwice() {
+    Class_Users::getIdentity()
+      ->addChildCard(Class_Users::find(2))
+      ->assertSave();
+    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
+                        ['login' => 'luke',
+                         'password' => 'ilovelightsabers']);
+    $this->assertCount(1, Class_Users::getIdentity()->getChildCards());
+    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Vous avez déjà ajouté la carte de "Luke Skywalker"');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function darkyShouldNotAddLukeWithBadPassword() {
+    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
+                        ['login' => 'luke',
+                         'password' => 'ilovesushis']);
+    $this->assertFalse(Class_Users::getIdentity()->hasChildCards());
+    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Identifiant et/ou mot de passe incorrect');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function darkyShouldNotAddAnUnknownEwok() {
+    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
+                        ['login' => 'e',
+                         'password' => 'wok']);
+    $this->assertFalse(Class_Users::getIdentity()->hasChildCards());
+    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Identifiant et/ou mot de passe incorrect');
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function withoutLoginAndPasswordPostShouldDisplayErrorsOnForm() {
+    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
+                        ['login' => '',
+                         'password' => '']);
+    $this->assertXPathCount('//li[contains(text(), "Une valeur est requise")]', 2);
+  }
+class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardFromNanookWithSameIdabonTest
+  extends Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardPostTestCase {
+  public function setUp() {
+    parent::setUp();
+    $darky = Class_Users::find(1)->setLogin('12345')
+                                 ->setNom('darky')
+                                 ->setIdIntBib(23);
+    $darky->assertSave();
+    ZendAfi_Auth::getInstance()->logUser($darky);
+    $comm_params = ['url_serveur' => 'http://localhost:8080/afi_Nanook/ilsdi/',
+                    'id_bib' => 23,
+                    'type' => Class_IntBib::COM_NANOOK];
+    $int_star = $this->fixture(Class_IntBib::class,
+                               ['id' => 23,
+                                'sigb' => Class_IntBib::SIGB_NANOOK,
+                                'comm_params'=> $comm_params,
+                                'comm_sigb' => Class_IntBib::COM_NANOOK]);
+    $this->fixture(Class_IntMajAuto::class,
+                   ['id' => 1,
+                    'int_bib'=> $int_star,
+                    'profil_donnees' => $this->fixture(Class_IntProfilDonnees::class,
+                                                       ['id' => 1,
+                                                        'type_fichier' => Class_IntProfilDonnees::FT_PATRONS])]);
+    $nanook_service = $this->mock()
+                           ->whenCalled('providesAuthentication')->answers(true)
+                           ->whenCalled('hasNetworkError')->answers(false)
+                           ->whenCalled('getServerRoot')->answers($comm_params['url_serveur'])
+                           ->whenCalled('getEmprunteur')
+                           ->answers(Class_WebService_SIGB_Emprunteur::newInstance(2, 'marco')
+                                     ->setCodeBarres('12345')
+                                     ->setNom('marco')
+                                     ->setOrdre(2)
+                                     ->beValid())
+      ;
+    Class_WebService_SIGB_Nanook::setService($comm_params, $nanook_service);
+    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
+                        ['login' => '12345',
+                         'password' => 'ilovedonuts']);
+  }
+  /** @test */
+  public function linkedCardWithIdOneShouldHaveBeenCreated() {
+    $this->assertNotNull($card = Class_LinkedCard::find(1));
+    return $card;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @depends linkedCardWithIdOneShouldHaveBeenCreated
+   * @test
+   */
+  public function linkedCardParentShouldBeDarky($card) {
+    $this->assertEquals('darky', $card->getParentCard()->getNom());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @depends linkedCardWithIdOneShouldHaveBeenCreated
+   * @test
+   */
+  public function linkedCardChildShouldBeLuke($card) {
+    $this->assertEquals('marco', $card->getChildCard()->getNom());
+  }
diff --git a/tests/scenarios/MultiCards/MultiCardsTest.php b/tests/scenarios/MultiCards/MultiCardsTest.php
index 8eaea5cd1d56dc993393c726de99956599661450..024b24b2131938ed377da513823f825e94989d19 100644
--- a/tests/scenarios/MultiCards/MultiCardsTest.php
+++ b/tests/scenarios/MultiCards/MultiCardsTest.php
@@ -211,49 +211,6 @@ class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsWithCardsActionTest extends Scenario_AbonneMultiC
-class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardActionTest extends Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsTestCase {
-  public function setUp() {
-    parent::setUp();
-    $this->dispatch('/abonne/add-card', true);
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function titleShouldBeAddACard() {
-    $this->assertXPathContentContains('//title', 'Ajouter une carte');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function formShouldContainsInputLogin() {
-    $this->assertXPath('//input[@type="text"][@name="login"]');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function formShouldContainsInputPassword() {
-    $this->assertXPath('//input[@type="password"][@name="password"]');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function formActionShouldBeAbonneAddCard() {
-    $this->assertXPath('//form[contains(@action, "/abonne/add-card")]');
-  }
-  /**
-   * @test
-   * @see  ZendAfi_View_Helper_Admin_RenderForm
-   */
-  public function pageShouldContainsOnlyOneValidateButtons() {
-    $this->assertNotXPathContentContains('//script', '.clone().insertBefore("#opac-dialog', $this->_response->getBody());
-  }
 class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsWithCardsUnlinkActionTest extends Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsTestCase {
   public function setUp() {
@@ -287,160 +244,6 @@ class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsWithCardsUnlinkActionTest extends Scenario_Abonne
-class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAddCardPostActionTest extends Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsTestCase {
-  public function setUp() {
-    parent::setUp();
-    ZendAfi_Auth::getInstance()->logUser(Class_Users::find(1));
-    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
-                        ['login' => 'luke',
-                         'password' => 'ilovelightsabers']
-                        );
-    Class_Users::clearCache();
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function linkedCardWithIdOneShouldHaveBeenCreated() {
-    $this->assertNotNull($card = Class_LinkedCard::find(1));
-    return $card;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @depends linkedCardWithIdOneShouldHaveBeenCreated
-   * @test
-   */
-  public function linkedCardParentShouldBeDarky($card) {
-    $this->assertEquals('darky', $card->getParentCard()->getLogin());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @depends linkedCardWithIdOneShouldHaveBeenCreated
-   * @test
-   */
-  public function linkedCardChildShouldBeLuke($card) {
-    $this->assertEquals('luke', $card->getChildCard()->getLogin());
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function responseShouldRedirectToAddCard() {
-    $this->assertXPathContentContains('//script', 'location.reload();');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function notificationShouldContainsCardAdded() {
-    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Carte de "Luke Skywalker" ajoutée');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function darkyLinkedCardsShouldContainsLukesOne() {
-    $child_cards = Class_Users::find(1)->getChildCards();
-    $logins = array_map(function($card) {return $card->getLogin();},
-                        $child_cards);
-    $this->assertEquals(['luke'],
-                        $logins);
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function lukeParentCardsShouldContainsDarkys() {
-    $parent_cards = Class_Users::find(2)->getParentCards();
-    $logins = array_map(function($card) {return $card->getLogin();},
-                        $parent_cards);
-    $this->assertEquals(['darky'],
-                        $logins);
-  }
-class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsImpossiblePostActionTest extends Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsTestCase {
-  public function setUp() {
-    parent::setUp();
-    ZendAfi_Auth::getInstance()->logUser(Class_Users::find(1));
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function addWithCorruptedUserShouldReturnError() {
-    $user = Class_Users::getIdentity();
-    $user->setPassword(null);
-    $user->saveWithoutValidation();
-    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
-                        ['login' => 'luke',
-                         'password' => 'ilovelightsabers']);
-    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Une erreur s\'est produite en ajoutant la carte de "Luke Skywalker" : Vous devez compléter le champ \'Mot de passe\'');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function darkyShouldNotAddHimself() {
-    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
-                        ['login' => 'darky',
-                         'password' => 'darkside']
-                        );
-    $this->assertCount(0, Class_Users::getIdentity()->getChildCards());
-    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter votre propre carte');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function darkyShouldNotAddTwoLukes() {
-    Class_Users::getIdentity()
-      ->addChildCard(Class_Users::find(2))
-      ->assertSave();
-    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
-                        ['login' => 'luke',
-                        'password' => 'ilovelightsabers']);
-    $this->assertCount(1, Class_Users::getIdentity()->getChildCards());
-    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Vous avez déjà ajouté la carte de "Luke Skywalker"');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function darkyShouldNotLukeWithBadPassword() {
-    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
-                        ['login' => 'luke',
-                        'password' => 'ilovesushis']);
-    $this->assertCount(0, Class_Users::getIdentity()->getChildCards());
-    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Identifiant et/ou mot de passe incorrect');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function darkyShouldNotAddAnUnsubscribedEwok() {
-    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
-                        ['login' => 'e',
-                         'password' => 'wok']);
-    $this->assertCount(0, Class_Users::getIdentity()->getChildCards());
-    $this->assertFlashMessengerContentContains('Identifiant et/ou mot de passe incorrect');
-  }
-  /** @test */
-  public function withoutLoginAndPasswordPostShouldDisplayErrorsOnForm() {
-    $this->postDispatch('/abonne/add-card',
-                        ['login' => '',
-                         'password' => '']);
-    $this->assertXPathCount('//li[contains(text(), "Une valeur est requise")]', 2);
-  }
 abstract class Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsAccountOfEwokTestCase extends Scenario_AbonneMultiCardsTestCase {
   protected $_comm;