diff --git a/VERSIONS_WIP/24821 b/VERSIONS_WIP/24821
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99688c5debe778b237e42faf1af27fd721015308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VERSIONS_WIP/24821
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+- ticket #24821 : notification de l'abonné à la connexion sur l'expiration de son abonnement, les prêts en retard et les réservations en attente de retrait
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VERSION_DEV/24821.md b/VERSION_DEV/24821.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d85a1def1b29c8db5714b409e5083fde45ace07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VERSION_DEV/24821.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# ticket #24821 
+## Notifications
+In controllers, notifcations can be rendered as popup instead of static bars:
+_ZendAfi\_Controller\_Action\_Helper\_FlashMessenger_ notifications now stored as array and can accept parameters:
+	public function addNotification($message, $options = []) {
+		$params = ['message' => $message] + $options;
+		$this->addMessage([ZendAfi_Controller_Action_Helper_FlashMessenger::NOTIFICATION => $params]);
+	}
+and _FlashMessengerNotification_ represent a notification. For example to get all popups notifications:
+(new ZendAfi_Controller_Action_Helper_FlashMessenger())
+  ->getNotifications()
+  ->select(function($n) {return $n->isPopup();});
+  ```
+Users ILS subscription ('abonnement') related functions moved to new _Class\_User\_ILSSubscription_.
+See _Class\_Users>>registerNotificationsOn_ for notifications usage.
+## ILS Web services
+Add _Class\_WebService\_SIGB\_Reservation>>isWaitingToBePulled_ that returns _true_ when holded document is available in library. Works for: Nanook, Koha, Microbib, Aloes, Carthame, Orphée, Pergame.
diff --git a/library/Class/User/ILSSubscription.php b/library/Class/User/ILSSubscription.php
index 7bbc0395782ce221f2512aac72c250324ae5a3fc..8b37966c7c596f50b561fe18b6c5b07c94c6c696 100644
--- a/library/Class/User/ILSSubscription.php
+++ b/library/Class/User/ILSSubscription.php
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ class Class_User_ILSSubscription {
                                 'Votre abonnement expire aujourd\'hui.',
                                 'Votre abonnement arrivera à expiration demain.',
-                                'Votre abonnement arrivera à expiration dans %d jours.',																	$this->ilsExpireIn())
+                                'Votre abonnement arrivera à expiration dans %d jours.',
+																$this->ilsExpireIn())
     return $this;