Patrick Barroca authoredb162cec5
Contribute to source code
- Prerequisite
- Create your own copy of the project
- How to contribute to the source code
- Create a new skin
AFI & BIBLIBRE developpment teams use the opensource forge libre GitLab and theSCM Git. Ce document décrit l'utilisation minimale nécessaire de ces deux outils pour pouvoir contribuer au code des projets maintenus par AFI et Biblibre. Néanmoins nous vous invitons à lire le livre Pro Git.
Source code are hosted on https://git.afi-sa.fr. Public projects are accessible here https://git.afi-sa.fr/public.
Create your own copy of the project
Create a gitlab account
From the Sign Up page, you can create your account. You will receive a confirmation email.
Clone the project
Once connected, from the OPACCE project page, clic on the Fork repository button. You can also clone the project here.
This will create your own public copy of the project accessible through http://git.afi-sa.fr/my-account/opacce.
The SSH access is given from your project home page. for example git@git.afi-sa.fr:my_account/opacce.git
Installing SSH access
In order to upload modifications on the gitlab you need SSH access. On Your account page, in the SSH Keys tab, use the link Add SSH Key.
Create & register your key
If you already have a key on your workstation in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, copy it.
otherwise, generate a key , with the following command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "addresse_email@domaine.ext"
to show the content: