Arthur Suzuki authoredfeac8036
publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type bestppn
A modest plea for private mens preaching. Or An answer to a booke intituled, Private men no pulpit men; composed by Master Giles Workman : Wherein the thing in controversie is briefly debated; the examination of private mens preaching examined; also certain accusations wip'd away and removed https://revue-sommaire.istex.fr/ark:/67375/8Q1-7D719SNQ-M Knowles ark:/67375/8Q1-7D719SNQ-M fulltext ProQuest, UMI monograph 1648 1999 P 173020267
A modest plea for the Church of England https://revue-sommaire.istex.fr/ark:/67375/8Q1-FKD2L0PG-8 Hollingworth ark:/67375/8Q1-FKD2L0PG-8 fulltext ProQuest, UMI monograph 1676 1999 P 173824994
A modest plea for the Church of England https://revue-sommaire.istex.fr/ark:/67375/8Q1-V4TPV797-6 Hollingworth ark:/67375/8Q1-V4TPV797-6 fulltext ProQuest, UMI monograph 1676 1999 P 17371644X
A modest plea for the clergy : wherein is briefly considered, the original, antiquity, necessity : together with the spurious and genuine occasions of their present contempt https://revue-sommaire.istex.fr/ark:/67375/8Q1-4V8QRPZC-G Addison ark:/67375/8Q1-4V8QRPZC-G fulltext ProQuest, UMI monograph 1677 1999 P 17358375X
A modest plea for the due regulation of the press : in answer to several reasons lately printed against it, humbly submitted to the judgment of authority https://revue-sommaire.istex.fr/ark:/67375/8Q1-BZ2GRB5Z-B Gregory ark:/67375/8Q1-BZ2GRB5Z-B fulltext ProQuest, UMI monograph 1698 1999 P 173819621
A modest plea for the Lords Day : or rather the summe of the plea made by divines for the Lords Day as the Christian Sabbath, against those who contend for the old Sabbath of the seventh day, in order from the creation https://revue-sommaire.istex.fr/ark:/67375/8Q1-3V3J1SRS-Q ark:/67375/8Q1-3V3J1SRS-Q fulltext ProQuest, UMI monograph 1669 1999 P 173835821
A modest plea, for an equal common-wealth, against monarchy : In which the genuine nature, and true interest of a free-state, is briefly stated; its consistency with a national clergie, hereditary nobility, and mercenary lawyers, is examined; together with the expediency of an agrarian and rotation of offices asserted. Also, an apology for younger brothers, the restitution of gavil-kinde, and relief of the poor. With a lift at tythes, and reformation of the laws and universities. All accommodated to publique honour and justice, without injury to any mans propriety; and humbly tendered to the Parliament https://revue-sommaire.istex.fr/ark:/67375/8Q1-J0312CLD-F ark:/67375/8Q1-J0312CLD-F fulltext ProQuest, UMI monograph 1659 1999 P 173054013
A Modest proposal for the more certain and yet more easie provision for the poor : and likewise for the better suppression of thieves, diminishers and corrupters of the coyn, and other lewd livers : tending much to the advancement of trade, especially in the most profitable part of it, the manufactures of the kingdom https://revue-sommaire.istex.fr/ark:/67375/8Q1-VWN9N91L-F ark:/67375/8Q1-VWN9N91L-F fulltext ProQuest, UMI monograph 1696 1999 P 173816851
A modest reply : humbly offer'd, as an answer to, and confutation of seven arguments collected and deliver'd by Mr. Samuel Lawrence, in a sermon preach'd at his meeting-house in Namptwich, Octob. 16th, 1691, whereby he would shew, that the infants of professing Christians ought to be baptized : with a seasonable word to my brethren of the baptized church https://revue-sommaire.istex.fr/ark:/67375/8Q1-B93Z6QCR-2 ark:/67375/8Q1-B93Z6QCR-2 fulltext ProQuest, UMI monograph 1692 1999 P 173860257