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Commit 7a897b9f authored by Patrick Barroca's avatar Patrick Barroca :grin:
Browse files

dev #111127 : drive : admin list filter display adjustments

parent 8925a861
Tags 7.2.26
2 merge requests!3552Dev#111127 suivi webinaire drive,!3551Dev#111127 suivi webinaire drive
Pipeline #10409 passed with stage
in 43 minutes and 53 seconds
......@@ -15,30 +15,26 @@ echo $this->Button((new Class_Entity())
['style' => 'filter: invert();']))
->setAttribs(['style' => 'float:right']));
echo $this->tag('label', $this->_('Date'), ['for' => 'date', 'style' => 'margin-right: 5px']);
$date_url = $this->url(['date' => null]) . '/date/';
$days_url = $this->url(['days' => null]) . '/days/';
echo $this
$this->tag('label', $this->_('Date'),
['for' => 'date', 'style' => 'margin-right: 5px'])
. $this->formDate('date',
['onchange' => 'window.location=\'' . $date_url . '\' + this.value'])
. BR
. $this->tag('label', $this->_('Nombre de jours à afficher'),
['for' => 'days', 'style' => 'margin-right: 5px;'])
. $this->formNumber('days',
['onchange' => 'window.location=\'' . $days_url . '\' + this.value',
'size' => 2])
$date_url = $this->url(['date' => null]) . '/date/';
echo $this->formDate('date',
['onchange' => 'window.location=\'' . $date_url . '\' + this.value']);
echo $this->tag('label', $this->_('Nombre de jours à afficher'),
['for' => 'days', 'style' => 'margin-right: 5px; margin-left: 10px']);
$days_url = $this->url(['days' => null]) . '/days/';
echo $this->formNumber('days',
['onchange' => 'window.location=\'' . $days_url . '\' + this.value',
'size' => 2]);
echo $this->renderTable($this->table_description,
(new Class_TableDescription_Models($this->checkouts))->groupBy('day_label'));
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