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Commit c4001751 authored by efalcy's avatar efalcy
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ajout de tests pour la recherche avancee

parent 1f05df5b
No related merge requests found
......@@ -5083,6 +5083,7 @@ tests/library/Class/MatiereTest.php -text
tests/library/Class/MockMailTransport.php -text
tests/library/Class/ModelTestCase.php -text
tests/library/Class/ModeleFusionTest.php -text
tests/library/Class/MoteurRechercheTest.php -text
tests/library/Class/MultiUpload/FactoryTest.php -text
tests/library/Class/MultiUpload/HandlersTest.php -text
tests/library/Class/MultiUploadTest.php -text
* Copyright (c) 2012, Agence Française Informatique (AFI). All rights reserved.
* AFI-OPAC 2.0 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the AGPL as it
* is applied to this software (see README file).
* AFI-OPAC 2.0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* along with AFI-OPAC 2.0; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
class MoteurRechercheAvanceeTest extends Storm_Test_ModelTestCase {
public function setUp() {
$this->_original_sql = Zend_Registry::get('sql');
$this->mock_sql = $this->getMockBuilder('Class_Systeme_Sql')
Zend_Registry::set('sql', $this->mock_sql);
$this->criteres_recherche= new Class_CriteresRecherche();
$this->moteur_recherche = new Class_MoteurRecherche();
public function tearDown() {
Zend_Registry::set('sql', $this->_original_sql);
public function expectedSql() {
return [
[ ['rech_auteurs' => 'Foucault', 'operateur_auteurs' => 'and', 'type_recherche' => 'fulltext', 'pertinence' => false, 'tri' => 'alpha_auteurs'] ,
'req_notices' => "Select id_notice from notices Where MATCH(auteurs) AGAINST('+(FOUCAULT FOUCAULTS FOUKOLT)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by alpha_auteurs",
'req_comptage' => "Select count(*) from notices Where MATCH(auteurs) AGAINST('+(FOUCAULT FOUCAULTS FOUKOLT)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ",
'req_facettes' => "select id_notice,type_doc,facettes from notices Where MATCH(auteurs) AGAINST('+(FOUCAULT FOUCAULTS FOUKOLT)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) limit 15000"
[ ['rech_auteurs' => 'Bourdieu', 'operateur_auteurs' => 'and', 'type_recherche' => 'commence', 'pertinence' => true, 'tri' => 'alpha_titres'] ,
'req_notices' => "Select id_notice from notices Where auteurs like 'BOURDIEU%' order by alpha_titres",
'req_comptage' => "Select count(*) from notices Where auteurs like 'BOURDIEU%'",
'req_facettes' => "select id_notice,type_doc,facettes from notices Where auteurs like 'BOURDIEU%' limit 15000"
] ,
[ ['rech_auteurs' => 'Clastres', 'operateur_auteurs' => 'and',
'annexe' => 'MED1',
'selection_annexe' => 'TUN,TAP',
'type_recherche' => 'commence', 'pertinence' => true, 'tri' => 'alpha_titres'] ,
'req_notices' => "Select id_notice from notices Where auteurs like 'CLASTRES%' And MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+(YTUN YTAP) ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) And MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by alpha_titres",
'req_comptage' => "Select count(*) from notices Where auteurs like 'CLASTRES%' And MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+(YTUN YTAP) ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) And MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
'req_facettes' => "select id_notice,type_doc,facettes from notices Where auteurs like 'CLASTRES%' And MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+(YTUN YTAP) ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) And MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('+YMED1' IN BOOLEAN MODE) limit 15000"
] ,
[ ['rech_sujets' => 'Philosophie', 'operateur_sujets' => 'and not',
'facette' => "T1",
'annee_debut' => '1960',
'annee_fin' => '2013',
'nouveaute' => '12',
'type_recherche' => 'commence', 'pertinence' => true, 'tri' => 'alpha_titres'] ,
'req_notices' => "Select id_notice from notices Where not sujets like 'PHILOSOPHIE%' And MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('T1' IN BOOLEAN MODE) and annee >='1960' and annee <='2013' and date_creation >'2012-03-04' order by alpha_titres",
'req_comptage' => "Select count(*) from notices Where not sujets like 'PHILOSOPHIE%' And MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('T1' IN BOOLEAN MODE) and annee >='1960' and annee <='2013' and date_creation >'2012-03-04' ",
'req_facettes' => "select id_notice,type_doc,facettes from notices Where not sujets like 'PHILOSOPHIE%' And MATCH(facettes) AGAINST('T1' IN BOOLEAN MODE) and annee >='1960' and annee <='2013' and date_creation >'2012-03-04' limit 15000"
* @dataProvider expectedSql
* @test
public function lancerRechercheAvanceeShouldBe($params, $req_notices, $req_comptage ,$req_facettes) {
$retour = $this->moteur_recherche->lancerRechercheAvancee($params);
$this->assertEquals(['nombre' => 10,
'req_liste' => $req_notices,
'req_facettes' => $req_facettes],
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