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Commit fed31698 authored by Patrick Barroca's avatar Patrick Barroca :grin:
Browse files

Merge branch 'dev#102219_commande_ussel_reprise_des_donnees_albums_cartes_postales' into 'master'

dev#102219 : script migration Ressource numerique Ussel

See merge request afi/opacce!3412
parents d017705d a2b61710
3 merge requests!3422Master,!3413WIP: Dev#106075 explo france connect avec identifiant gpsea,!3412dev#102219 : script migration Ressource numerique Ussel
Pipeline #9549 passed with stage
in 47 minutes and 47 seconds
- ticket #102219 : Ussel : Reprise des données albums cartes postales
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -451,6 +451,17 @@ class Class_AlbumRessource extends Storm_Model_Abstract {
* @param $name string input file name
* @param $mover Class_UploadMover_Abstract
* @return Class_AlbumRessource
public function setUploadMover($name, $mover) {
return $this;
* @return Class_Folder_Manager
......@@ -16,10 +16,12 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* along with BOKEH; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
abstract class Class_UploadMover_Abstract {
use Trait_Translator;
/** @var string */
protected $_error;
......@@ -30,7 +32,23 @@ abstract class Class_UploadMover_Abstract {
* @param string $destination
* @return bool
abstract public function moveTo($source, $destination);
public function moveTo($source, $destination) {
if ($this->_realMoveTo($source, $destination))
return true;
$this->setError($this->_('Impossible d\'écrire le fichier sur le serveur au chemin [%s]',
return false;
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $source
* @param string $destination
* @return bool
abstract protected function _realMoveTo($source, $destination);
......@@ -52,5 +70,3 @@ abstract class Class_UploadMover_Abstract {
return $this->_error;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,22 +20,15 @@
class Class_UploadMover_HttpPost extends Class_UploadMover_Abstract {
use Trait_Translator,
use Trait_StaticFileWriter;
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $source
* @param string $destination
* @return bool
public function moveTo($source, $destination) {
if (!$this->getFileWriter()->moveUploadedFile($source, $destination)) {
$this->setError(sprintf($this->_('Impossible d\'écrire le fichier sur le serveur au chemin [%s]'), $destination));
return false;
return true;
protected function _realMoveTo($source, $destination) {
return $this->getFileWriter()->moveUploadedFile($source, $destination);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,26 +16,18 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* along with BOKEH; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
class Class_UploadMover_LocalFile extends Class_UploadMover_Abstract {
use Trait_Translator;
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $source
* @param string $destination
* @return bool
public function moveTo($source, $destination) {
protected function _realMoveTo($source, $destination) {
@rename($source, $destination);
if (!file_exists($destination)) {
$this->setError(sprintf($this->_('Impossible d\'écrire le fichier sur le serveur au chemin [%s]'), $destination));
return false;
return true;
return file_exists($destination);
\ No newline at end of file
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
require __DIR__ . '/../console.php';
class UsselAlbumReportItem extends Class_Entity {
public static function newWith($record, $attributes = []) {
$ils_id = $record->get_subfield('001');
return new static(array_merge(['BokehId' => $record->getId(),
'IlsId' => $ils_id ? $ils_id[0] : 'n/a'],
public static function description() {
return (new Class_TableDescription('ussel'))
->addColumn('Bokeh id', 'bokeh_id')
->addColumn('ILS id', 'ils_id')
class UsselAlbumImporter {
use Trait_MemoryCleaner;
$_base_path = '/home/webmaster/stl/php/bokeh/SAV_HCC',
public function __construct() {
symlink($this->_base_path.'/La Courtine', $this->_base_path.'/LaCourtine');
symlink($this->_base_path.'/Meymac/Mey656 .jpg', $this->_base_path.'/Meymac/Mey656.jpg');
symlink($this->_base_path.'/Meymac/MEY658 .JPG', $this->_base_path.'/Meymac/MEY658.jpg');
$this->_view = new ZendAfi_Controller_Action_Helper_View();
$command = new Class_Testing_Command();
$command->exec('find "'.$this->_base_path.'"');
$this->_all_files = implode("\n", $command->getOutput());
if (!trim($this->_all_files)) {
echo 'no files';
public function run() {
$this->_handled = 0;
$this->_no_links = [];
$this->_file_not_exists = [];
$this->_no_files = [];
if ( !$this->_base_category = Class_AlbumCategorie::getOrCreateRootCategory('Cartes Postales')) {
echo 'Base category not found';
if (!$this->_frbr_type = Class_FRBR_LinkType::find(1)) {
echo 'FRBR link type not found';
$page = 0;
while($records = Class_Notice::findAllBy(['type_doc' => 7,
'order' => 'id_notice',
'limitPage' => [$page, 100]])) {
return $this;
protected function _runPage($records) {
foreach($records as $record)
public function runPageTest() {
foreach (Class_Notice::findAllBy(['type_doc' => 7,
'order' => 'id_notice',
'limitPage' => [0, 5000]]) as $record) {
$existing_files = $this->_existingFilesOf($record);
public function report() {
echo implode("\n",
['', '',
$this->_handled . ' notices traitées',
count($this->_no_links) . ' notices sans zones de liens',
count($this->_file_not_exists) . ' liens sans fichier correspondant',
count($this->_no_files) . ' notices sans aucun fichier correspondant',
'', '']);
UsselAlbumReportItem::description()->addColumn('Path', 'path'),
protected function _reportFile($name, $description, $data) {
file_put_contents($name . '.csv',
$this->_view->renderCsv($description, $data));
protected function _importRecord($record) {
echo '.';
$existing_files = $this->_existingFilesOf($record);
if ($existing_files->isEmpty()) {
$this->_no_files[] = UsselAlbumReportItem::newWith($record);
$album = Class_Album::newInstance(['categorie' => $this->_categoryFor($existing_files->first()),
'titre' => $record->getTitrePrincipal(),
'visible' => false,
'description' => $record->getResume(),
'matiere' => $this->_matersOf($record)]);
$this->_linkRecordToAlbum($record, $album);
foreach($existing_files as $file)
$this->_addResourceTo($file, $album);
protected function _addResourceTo($file, $album) {
$ressource = Class_AlbumRessource::newInstance(['album' => $album,
'titre' => '',
'description' => '']);
$pathinfo = pathinfo($file);
$filename = $pathinfo['basename'];
$tmp_name = '/tmp/ussel/'.$filename;
copy($file, $tmp_name);
$_FILES['fichier'] = ['size' => filesize($file),
'name' => $filename,
'tmp_name' => $tmp_name];
$ressource->setUploadMover('fichier', new Class_UploadMover_LocalFile);
if ($ressource->receiveFiles())
echo $ressource->getErrors()['fichier'];
protected function _linkRecordToAlbum($record, $album) {
$source = Class_Url::absolute((new Class_Notice_Permalink())->paramsFor($record), null, true);
$target = Class_Url::absolute(array_merge(['id' => $album->getId()],
$album->getPermalink()), null, true);
return Class_FRBR_Link::newInstance(['source' => $source,
'target' => $target,
'type' => $this->_frbr_type])
protected function _categoryFor($path) {
$path = str_replace($this->_base_path, '', $path);
if (!$parts = array_filter(explode('/', pathinfo($path)['dirname'])))
return $this->_base_category;
$parent = $this->_base_category;
foreach($parts as $part)
$parent = $this->_ensureSubCategory($parent, $part);
return $parent;
protected function _ensureSubCategory($parent, $label) {
$attributes = ['parent_id' => $parent->getId(), 'libelle' => $label];
if (!$category = Class_AlbumCategorie::findFirstBy($attributes)) {
$category = Class_AlbumCategorie::newInstance($attributes);
return $category;
protected function _matersOf($record) {
return implode(';', Class_Notice_Facette::facetsValuesFromRecordFilteredBy($record, 'isMatter'));
protected function _existingFilesOf($record) {
if (!$links = $record->get_subfield('856', 'u')) {
$this->_no_links[] = UsselAlbumReportItem::newWith($record);
return new Storm_Collection([]);
return (new Storm_Collection($links))
->collect(function($each) { return $this->_base_path . $each; })
->collect(function($each) use($record)
if ($path = $this->_fileExists($each))
return $path;
$path = str_replace($this->_base_path, '', $each);
$this->_file_not_exists[] = UsselAlbumReportItem::newWith($record,
['Path' => $path]);
return null;
->select(function($each) { return $each; });
protected function _fileExists($path) {
if (file_exists($path))
return $path;
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('|^' . preg_quote($path) . '$|im', $this->_all_files, $matches))
return $matches[0];
(new UsselAlbumImporter)
0% or .
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