Dev#29558 improve search performances
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24 24 protected $_facets; 25 25 26 26 public function __construct() { 27 $this->_facets = explode(';', Class_AdminVar::get('UNLEASHED_FACETS')); 27 $facets = explode(';', Class_AdminVar::get('UNLEASHED_FACETS')); 28 $this->_facets = array_combine($facets, $facets); // speed optimization 145 145 146 146 if (!($tri and $tri != '*' and !$pertinence)) { 147 147 $against_titre = $terms->asSelectAgainst(); 148 $this->select_notices = 'id_notice, ' 149 . 'MATCH(alpha_titre) ' . $against_titre . ' as rel1, ' 150 . 'MATCH(alpha_auteur) ' . $against_titre . ' as rel2 ' 151 . 'from notices'; 152 $this->order_by = ' order by (rel1 * 1.5) + (rel2) desc'; 148 149 $rel1 = 'MATCH(alpha_titre) ' . $against_titre; 150 $rel2 = 'MATCH(alpha_auteur) ' . $against_titre; 151 $this->order_by = ' order by (' . $rel1 .' * 1.5) + (' . $rel2 . ') desc'; 153 152 }
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