hotline #99071: prevent redirect when subscribe and sending mail when already subscribe
requested to merge hotline#99071_inscription_a_une_activite_message_de_confirmation_envoye_20_fois into hotline
2 unresolved threads
Merge request reports
Filter activity
312 312 } 313 313 314 314 315 public function hasStagiaire($user) { 316 return !empty ((new Storm_Model_Collection($this->getStagiaires())) changed this line in version 2 of the diff
76 76 } 77 77 78 78 79 protected function _getRedirect($request, $action) { 80 $redirect = Class_Url::absolute(); 81 if (!in_array($action, ['inscrire-session'])) changed this line in version 3 of the diff
added 1 commit
- 41433cc6 - hotline #99071: prevent redirect when subscribe and sending mail when already subscribe
added 1 commit
- 50363de9 - hotline #99071: prevent redirect when subscribe and sending mail when already subscribe
mentioned in commit c447ed3f