Bokeh Docker composition
This tool provide an easy way to have a local basic Bokeh installation.
It depends on docker and docker-compose, see
As a PHP web application, Bokeh depends on PHP itself (php-fpm), a web server (nginx) and a database (mariadb).
Launch to start composition with some variables configured in .env file.
Bokeh will be loaded with minimal basic datas, available by default at http://localhost.
Administrator account is admin/achanger by default.
Launch to stop all services, beware this will drop current database.
Want to know more ? See details in compose.yml or read below.
Customized php-fpm docker image with required extensions, debug, profile and unit testing capabilities.
Configuration files can be found in php-fpm/php.ini and php-fpm/php-fpm.conf.
To debug you will have to add xdebug configuration in local.php file in Bokeh directory.
ini_set('xdebug.client_port', XXXX); // port where your debugger/IDE listen
ini_set('xdebug.client_host', 'XX.XX.XX.XX'); // your IP
ini_set('xdebug.halt_level', E_ERROR);
You can run unit tests from within the php service.
docker-compose -f compose.yml exec php bash
su webmaster
phpunit ....
docker-compose -f compose.yml exec php su webmaster -c "phpunit ..."
Standard MariaDB image with specific configuration in conf/mariadb/bokeh.cnf
Main points are:
- default character set UTF-8: it has some consequences on available index size of char/varchar columns
- ft_min_word_len and ft_stopword_file: Bokeh index words at the first character and has no stopwords file in database layer but some stop words in its code (see library/Class/Indexation.php)
Standard nginx image with specific configuration in conf/nginx/bokeh.conf